Allen Stone Centers Himself for New LP, ‘APART’

Throughout his career, soul singer and songwriter Allen Stone admits that he’s suffered from “imposter syndrome.” It’s the feeling that you don’t belong or aren’t good enough. For some, this may be hard to believe given Stone’s other-worldly singing voice. His is a tone like golden light doused with dripping butter. Yet, that doesn’t necessarily alleviate internal feelings of insecurity. In the end, perhaps nothing might. But what Stone has realized over the years is that he can control the smaller things about his craft: showing up, being prepared, trying hard. He’s about the work. The rest—outwardly offered awards and acknowledgment—is for the birds.

As such, Stone is set to release his newest LP APART, an acoustic, stripped-down reimagined collection of some of his best songs over his decade as a professional musician. The record, which showcases both the origins of the songs and Stone’s vocal prowess performing them, is out November 12.