Nurse Sounds The Alarm on Gluten's Link To Celiac Disease and Cancer

Nurse Nadine Grzeskowiak - aka the “Gluten-Free RN” - has a mission: to make Americans understand that we have been tricked into eating food that is both not healthy and potentially life-threatening. 

Grzeskowiak, who experienced a major health scare at 40, has been studying Celiac disease, gluten, and non-Celiac-gluten sensitivities ever since. And what she’s learned has been shocking: gluten, which can be found in various seemingly ubiquitous grains, is not digestible by human beings. Yet, because the protein string is found in so many of our foods, it’s causing severe health problems in the population, Grzeskowiak explains. 

We caught up with the Gluten-Free RN to ask her about gluten, Celiac disease, the four food groups, and much more. 
